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Why Do We Need the Holy Spirit in Our Lives?

In January of 2022, I will celebrate 28 years of full time ministry. It’s been quite an extraordinary journey and I have loved every minute of it. It hasn’t always been easy and there have definitely been challenges along the way, but the adventure of serving God has never made for a dull moment. I believe that the journey has been so amazing because The Holy Spirit has been here for me and helped me every step of the way.

I want to take a few moments today and share with you 4 powerful reasons why you need the Holy Spirit in the center of your life. I believe with all of my heart that if you invest into a relationship with the Holy Spirit your life will go places that you could never have imaged. He will help you achieve your furthest dreams.

One of the greatest challenges we all face is that we can’t do everything on our own. I know that we are driven to do and be our best. Most of us never want to settle for anything less than that, but we ALL have limitations. This is exactly why our relationship with the Holy Spirit is so vital.

I will never forget a testimony that was shared many years ago when I was in college. A woman came to the stage and shared that she had always had a desire to write books. She dreamed of being a best selling author, but no one believed in her. In fact, she was told that she didn’t have the skills or the ability to write at any level. Then, she held up three books. They had all three become best sellers!!!! She said the key to her success was asking the Holy Spirit to add His “super” to her “natural” ability….. and He did!!

I want you to say this next sentence out loud!!!!

“The Holy Spirit has the power to do the impossible!”

Now, I want you to say it again!!!

Almost everywhere I turn I hear about how impossible things are, but NOTHING is impossible with God. At one service I heard a person say how impossible their life had become. They were unable to see a way through all the difficulties life was throwing at them. I pulled him aside after service and showed him in scripture how the Holy Spirit works in the realm of the impossible. A few months later I saw the man again and he was completely different! He was filled with faith and he had overcome all the things that seemed impossible for him. He was now thriving! His life was completely changed!!!

Another important thing to remember about the Holy Spirit is that He gives us unlimited help and guidance! I learned this lesson many years ago. While attending college, I had to work a full time job. I sold windows and doors. It wasn’t a high paying job and I wasn’t very good at it. In fact, I was barely making it. Then, an elder of the church took me aside and told me how the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and unlimited help. I didn’t believe him at first.

He told me to go back to work and ask the Holy Spirit to help me sell the product and give me the wisdom to know what to say. I tried it and it worked! In just one month, I made more than I had made in the previous six months. With the Holy Spirit’s help, I was able to pay my senior year of college in cash, pay all my bills, and have a little left over!

I want to share one more thing about the Holy Spirit with you! The Holy Spirit gives us gifts to make our future happen. In fact, those gifts are used to overcome the challenges in our daily lives! If you are struggling to move forward or you’re at a place where you feel stuck, you need the Holy Spirit!



God wants you to succeed and be able to bless others! If you have not asked the Holy Spirit to be active in your life, now is the time!! In prayer, ask Him to show Himself real to you. If you mean it with all of your heart… He will make himself known to you!

You are meant for more! Your life was meant to be a great adventure with chapters filled with the goodness of God.

I want to pray with you today...

“Jesus, I ask that you would help everyone reading this note to have a real encounter with the Holy Spirit. Lord, wherever they are at, whatever they are going through, I’m asking that you would show yourself strong for them right now. Holy Spirit, we ask for Your help, Your strength, Your wisdom, Your guidance, and Your power. Most of all, we want YOU at the center of our lives. We ask this in Jesus name…. AMEN!”

If you just prayed that with me, I believe that God is going to do something in you!

Stay strong! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and press forward!

- Lucas

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